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Month: July 2024

A Windows seat in a Brunswick Street bar, I watch the human traffic pass by, I’m a wizard with a goblet of fire. The blood sucking cold is here, the wind, hand sewn and frivolous, the privileged few are with us. Tranasaurus Rex on a lady’s jacket and I try to strike up a conversation.

When the lady sings her jazz, some fantastic melody in Vegas where we’re all on holiday from our sins, someone screams out sing it bitch and the audience whips the horses on a fast moving chariot in a show only for the 18 carat gold and over.

Happy hour still happens even for a sober man. I was struck by lightning, inspired to write, addiction makes a great story. Through adversity, seeing angels. I saw jesus, I saw Jack kerouacs Doctor Sax.

There’s no stopping time, there’s no going back, the poem marches forward towards it’s reward, memorised by a schoolgirl, read at a funeral.