Mirror Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all, well it’s not you is it Madonna because none of this feels fair. I think I’ll write my own fairytale
A relevant question to ask lady gaga is how many brain cells did she kill writing the song stupid love, I think it was a lot, a toast to the piano gods. There’s a space to fill on the top ten. Tonight it’s just me and heaven’s janitor. A pocket whisky in the park. The courage to ask a pretty girl out, illuminate her dark side. Sooner or later love comes and patience may be a virtue and pride may be a sin but if it hurts you it’s probably love
This drunk has turned into a monk. I’m sitting in the park on a hot summer day under the shade of a friendly tree. The homeless man is rugged up in a thick coat because to him the city is cold. Australia has the highest rates of drinking after Russia. The Buddha suffered to achieve his enlightenment. Whether the glass be half full or half empty or god’s wine is the lord’s blood, alcohol has served it’s purpose from the moment I ran away to join the circus. Holding hands with a jack Daniels Or a Johnnie walker, soon comes twilight, an inch of whisky in the sky.